Wednesday evenings, March 4 – April 22, 6-9pm
Eiben Hall, Room 110, Chaminade University
Fee: $250
Instructor: David Ulrich

Learn visual expression with a camera and explore the contemporary issues, technological improvements, and creative insights found through photography today.
Awaken your creativity, refine your personal vision, and learn to make compelling photographs. Investigate the key elements of the visual language through assignments, slide presentations, and individual critiques for a wide range of personal and professional applications. Topics covered:
Principles of Visual Expression with a Camera
Exploration of the work of numerous contemporary photographers
Cultivating the Art of Seeing
Creativity with a Camera
Authenticity: Discovering Your Unique Vision and Style
The class focuses on assisting participants in defining their own vision and personal approach with a secondary focus on exploring the ideas, issues, and styles of work being done in the photographic medium today as a source of influence and inspiration.
Prerequisite: A basic familiarity with your camera. Open to all levels from novice to professional. All camera types are welcome, including cell phones.
Please bring 6-8 jpeg images of your work on a thumb drive to the first class.
David Ulrich is a core faculty member and creative director for Pacific New Media. He is an active photographer and writer whose work has been published in numerous books and journals. Ulrich`s photographs have been exhibited internationally in over 75 exhibitions. He is the author of The Widening Stream: the Seven Stages of Creativity and Zen Camera: Creative Awakening with a Daily Practice in Photography.