Wednesdays, 5:30pm-8:30pm (Hawaii Standard time), 10 weeks, June 19-August 28 (no class on July 3)
Fee: $295
Instructor: David Ulrich

Most artists and photographers can identify moments or projects that represent creative breakthroughs, in which their work takes a leap from one level of expertise or content to another, more refined, and more powerful level. These moments of epiphany or inspiration are available to all, are a natural high—a kind of peak experience—and represent an expected result of hard work and perseverance, often over long periods of time. One cannot simply will into being or fully intend these breakthroughs, but one can prepare the ground and plant the seeds for highly innovative developments of one’s work.
This class addresses the reliable conditions that can help you prepare for breakthrough moments in your work. Employing studies by psychologists and social researchers and anecdotal accounts by many artists, the class explores creating the fertile conditions for breakthroughs to occur. Creativity has been studied extensively since the 1960’s and much material is presented from researchers to assist you in your creative process.
The instructor offers a range of enjoyable exercises and photography assignments that can help unlock your creativity leading to potential breakthroughs.
Class content consists of slide shows, readings, assignments and exercises, discussion, and response/critique of participant’s work. Some class material is drawn from David’s new manuscript: The Creative Eye: On the Work of Seeing and the Power of Attention in a Distracted Age.
Open to photographers of all levels and with any type of camera, including cell phones.
Class takes place on Zoom software. Please submit 6-8 jpg images, representative of your work, for the first class. Instructor will send Zoom link and instructions for submitting images through Dropbox or Google Drive prior to the first class.
David Ulrich is a professor and co-director of Pacific New Media. He is an active photographer and writer whose work has been published in numerous books and journals. Ulrich`s photographs have been exhibited internationally in over 75 exhibitions. He is the author of The Widening Stream: the Seven Stages of Creativity, Zen Camera: Creative Awakening with a Daily Practice in Photography, and The Mindful Photographer: Awake in the World with a Camera (Rocky Nook 2022). He recently published a book of photographs, Oceano: An Elegy for the Earth, in April 2023.