Wednesdays, 5:30pm-8:30pm (Hawaii Standard time), 10 weeks, October 2 – December 11, 2024 (no class on November 27)
Fee: $295
Instructor: David Ulrich

Explore the foundations of the visual language in photography to markedly expand and improve your image-making skills. Many people come to photography for its own sake, by using a camera or taking photography classes without having received a solid grounding in the principles of visual expression. Photographic seeing is a dynamic action that includes perception as well as thought (conscious and unconscious), feeling, and sensation. Gain the visual tools to translate your seeing and your ideas into strong photographs that communicate with clarity and faithfulness to your artistic intent.
The class examines the many intersections between the principles of photographic expression—the frame, light, the moment, color and tonality, and treatment of the subject—and the widely taught foundational elements of art and design such as balance, emphasis, rhythm, line, form, space, color and value, perspective, and unity.
The instructor offers a range of enjoyable exercises and photography assignments that can help refine your ability to communicate with a camera.
Class content consists of slide shows, readings, assignments, careful analysis and discussion of visual communication through images, and response/critique of participant’s work. Frequent handouts from educational sources reinforce the class material and some excerpts are drawn from David’s new manuscript: The Intelligent Eye: Visual Literacy for Photographers.
Open to photographers of all levels and with any type of camera, including cell phones.
Class takes place on Zoom software. Please submit 6-8 jpg images, representative of your work, for the first class. Instructor will send Zoom link and instructions for submitting images through Dropbox or Google Drive prior to the first class.
David Ulrich is a professor and co-director of Pacific New Media. He is an active photographer and writer whose work has been published in numerous books and journals. Ulrich`s photographs have been exhibited internationally in over 75 exhibitions. He is the author of The Widening Stream: the Seven Stages of Creativity, Zen Camera: Creative Awakening with a Daily Practice in Photography, and The Mindful Photographer: Awake in the World with a Camera (Rocky Nook 2022). He recently published a book of photographs, Oceano: An Elegy for the Earth, in April 2023.